Price Creates News

Henry Gambell Options Daily Video

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I never knew how to answer that question, but I do know how to answer the question of price vs news. Let’s look at that with a recent trade in NFLX.

Choosing Nat Gas

Neil Yeager Futures

Not much new to say on the equity index space so I am looking around for new ideas. Nat Gas is finally looking interesting.

3 Current Games

Henry Gambell Fibonacci daily

I’ve covered these 3 concepts in previous videos, but they’re as relevant as ever and a good spot to start tonight’s review.

The “No Fear” Market

Bruce Marshall Options Daily Video

In this exciting video, we’ll explore today’s thrilling market surge from its morning lows. The rally was fueled by optimism about a debt ceiling deal. I’ve been keeping an eye on reaching SPX 4200, and we’re getting closer. But let’s not get too carried away; the overall market isn’t as positive as it seems. We might consider adding some protection around 4200 or higher. Join us as we discuss levels and what to watch for in this crazy market adventure.

More Of The Same

Neil Yeager Futures

I’ll update the ES/SPX but not much has changed. I’ll also update the idea in Crude Oil because it is on the move. Hope this helps. Good Trading.

How To Trade Chop With SPX

Allison Options daily video

I walk through a couple trade ideas on SPX that can benefit from chop in this current market environment. I also mention the possibility of trading futures for those who still like to be directional traders.

The Google Trade — A Follow Up

Last week, we discussed my bullish call on Google prior to their AI event. In today’s video, I discuss the follow up on this trade plus investment, and how I’m managing it.

Wash Rinse Repeat

Neil Yeager Futures

Same story different day. SPX caught up in a really tight range where all roads lead back to the middle. It won’t stay like this forever, so let’s make a plan for when that move starts to show itself.

Multiple META Maps

Both Voodoo Lines and the new Micro Voodoo Lines have identified support and resistance levels in META which are worth keeping in mind because they paint very similar pictures.

That's as far as you can go!