Target Best Stock Picks For Consistent Trading


Simpler Trading Team

3 min read

This rising, yet bearish, market continues to baffle traders and has heads spinning.

While the market appears to grapple with pandemic-level volatility, the mood and sentiment seem to be “over it.” One trader intently studying the charts and indicators for high-profit potential setups is TG Watkins.

Finding trades by looking beyond price

TG developed the Moxie Indicator™. Combined with his down-to-earth Moxie Stock Watchlist, he is able to look beyond price and identify big moves before they happen. TG starts each day studying this watchlist –  which is designed to read the profit potential of any stock.

TG Watkins is this week’s “Friday Feature” team member. TG is the Director of Stocks at Simpler Trading where he delivers a pinpoint process to identify straightforward setups on stock charts regardless of market direction. There is nothing more valuable at Simpler Trading than our biggest asset – our people. The information, resources, and experience our traders deliver reach around the world daily.

Study market moves to reveal best stock picks

TG has a long history of studying the nuances of the stock market.

He attended his first two-day stock trading seminar at the age of 12 with his father. TG never forgot that day. Later, after graduating with his mechanical engineering degree, TG earned his Series 6 and 63 licenses to begin his career with New York Life.

Inspired by his early regard for the stock market, TG left the corporate world and went on to develop his proprietary Moxie Indicator™ and trading system. After years of trading and presenting educational seminars, TG decided to help even more people by joining the Simpler team.

TG’s trading system and simple chart checklist have been put to the test in recent years with the pandemic-confused market. These tools guided him to double his account in 14 months from $67,000 to $136,000 and he exploded a smaller $6,000 account to $20,000 in even less time.

TG is one of those veteran traders who have navigated rough markets and  know this current type of erratic ebb and flow across the market isn’t always what it appears. Even more, he is wary of major corrections that are necessary for massive, multi-year bull markets.

TG shares his insights regularly in the Options Gold room, across multiple social media channels and news media appearances, and he dives deeper into the markets with Moxie Indicator™ Mastery within Simpler Trading.

Stock watchlists track potential trades

Traders follow TG’s expertise and personalize their watchlists because they want to know how to quickly target the best trades without having to manually track each stock.

Thanks to the trading lifestyle and his commitment to that childhood dream, TG enjoys his second passion also shared with his father – flying.

TG is a licensed pilot who is a believer of following dreams and says everyone should learn the skill of trading for their own benefit.

Also known as the “Profit Pilot,” TG continues to fly high even in the heavy winds of this uncertain market.

Moxie Indicator Mastery Program