5 Keys To Get Started Trading


Simpler Trading Team

7 min read

Many people have taken time in this tumultuous economy to reconsider where they are in life financially.

Often people know there are areas in their lives that need attention – a change is needed. The problem is that too often time and money get in the way. This can be true for those wanting to learn how to get started trading.

Revisit the following five keys from Simpler Insights that can help turn a corner and pursue trading.

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Learn 5 keys to get started training

Each day the market presents new concerns and challenges. Anyone considering investing in the market and learning how to start trading needs some direction to get going.

Following are five keys for how to start trading:

Key 1 – Find an online brokerage with a trading platform that suits your trading goals. This is where it all happens, so it’s worth taking the time to explore the platform setup, fees, and any extra features included.

There are a variety of brokerage firms, including thinkorswim®, tastytrade, TradeStation, and Robinhood. Our traders lean into thinkorswim® and tastytrade where they have specialized trading indicators and resources to help traders of all skill levels.

Every opportunity to learn and trade is a powerful resource.

Key 2 – Get educated in market lingo, trading styles, and how the market operates. For a dive right into the world of trading, try Mastering the Trade by John F. Carter, founder of Simpler Trading. Keep in mind that your online trading platform and account brokerage will offer information and learning materials.

Taking time to read, study, and explore educational forums and indicators offered by trading platforms, and also larger brokerage firms, helps new traders find material they can dive into and develop their trading plan and style.

At Simpler Trading, our veteran traders work to share market expertise with traders at all stages of their career. The trading team has spent a great deal of time – not only developing successful strategies and working trade setups – putting together a free training room for those who want to learn how to become a trader.

Key 3 – Before risking your hard-earned cash, new traders can explore the basics of how to start trading by paper trading through an online platform.

The goal of paper trading is to practice setups before risking any money and to become familiar with entering and exiting trades before traders feel the pressure of real-time trading.

Key 4 – Start small. New traders will learn as they go. Although new traders may have other investment accounts they are using for retirement or paying the bills, it’s important to keep those monies separate from a first-time trading account.

Traders must decide how much money to start with in their trading account based on their personal level of risk tolerance.

Simpler’s traders don’t trade with capital they aren’t willing to risk in full. They don’t trade with the rent money, so to speak, because there will be losses in trading. Using a trading account to learn basic puts and calls and then work into more complex spreads and butterflies is a way to begin the process.

Key 5 – This can’t be stressed enough – find a mentor.

Trading is risky and complicated. Trading alongside a mentor has proven among Simpler’s traders to shorten the learning curve significantly. Mentors who have made their own mistakes and learned from their experiences can more easily guide you along a path to understanding how the market works and how to start trading with profit in mind.

The ultimate goal is to learn to avoid risk and to target winning trades.

Traders are often excited when they discover the mentors available at Simpler Trading and wish they had “found us sooner.”

Learning in the Simpler Trading community

Would you like access to more than 200 years of combined trading experience? Simpler Trading offers  opportunities for traders of varying skill levels to participate in our trading community – and our training room is free.

The training room is not just a radio program or internet podcast. Our online trading rooms are live. When our team is live online during market hours, they offer market analysis and insights – all from seasoned traders. This is what sets our trading community apart from the rest.

While most other trading services offer “hypothetical” trades and theories, we share our actual market insight with you in real-time.

Just like you, our traders have their own money on the line.

When Simpler traders make a trade, they are literally “all-in” on the trade. There are no trading funds provided by the company. Why does this matter?

Because helping others experience a live-trading environment matters to our team members.

Our team of veteran traders won’t promote trades they wouldn’t take themselves.

We’ve made it easier to “take a peak” at what our trading team has to offer traders just like you. The goal of Simpler’s traders is to help traders discover the right trading plan to meet personal goals. 

You can meet the Simpler team of traders with different trading styles, and find a trading mentor who aligns with your goals.

In the Simpler free trading room, you have access to experienced traders, each offering trading insights that range from stocks, options, futures, exchange-traded funds, and more.  Each of the traders on the Simpler team has a unique skill set they offer to traders looking for a mentoring environment.

The Simpler Trading free trading room offers immediate access to a panel of veteran traders who analyze the markets in real-time. These traders offer educational walk-throughs for trading across the markets.

Although there is a primary focus on trading education, traders may alert the room participants if they see an opportunity in the markets. No guarantees, but our traders like to highlight what they see happening.

Simpler Trading offers a variety of free information covering a wide range of trading topics.

These topics range from the options chain to more complex strategies. Even when you can’t attend a live session, you still have access to the recordings of the training room.

It’s a great time to leverage Simpler’s community and experience to learn how to start trading or or take steps to get to the next level.

Plan your calendar for free training

A team of technology experts makes it possible for you to have live market analysis and trading education delivered straight to your computer or mobile device through the free trading room.

Only have a few minutes each day? Begin a trading calendar to schedule your first steps to trading. Committing to those few minutes of trading each day adds up to hours of trading education that can improve your trading skills.

Having access to training – from anywhere at any time – means both time and our team of traders are on your side.

Doesn’t it make sense to have a trading team on your side?

Simpler’s traders use different styles and strategies, and this makes it easier for traders to identify their own personal style and find a trading mentor.

When you know your personal trading style, it is simpler to decide how you want to advance your skills with additional training.

Ready to get started trading?

Add Simpler Trading and our team of trading experts to your trading calendar. Our team strives to enable traders of various skill levels and account sizes to follow one of our experienced traders.

Now is your chance to learn and experience trading in a real-time training environment.

Why trade alone? Join us today and see what traders are talking about at Simpler Trading.

Go to the Simpler Trading registration page and get access today.