Punching to New Highs

Raghee Horner Futures

Well, I got what I wanted for Christmas. New highs in the Dow and S&P. Now what’s next?

Expiration Ain’t What it Used to Be

With witching expiration 3 days away a delta neutral approach is what’s most often suggested. Of course we know this is no normal market, and with GS up $8 today we’re seeing some sharp examples of that. Let’s look at how we set that up and some key adjustments you can make to profit from … Read more

Is Ethereum Classic in a Buy Zone?

Ethereum classic hard-forks with new monetary policy in place to balance the long-term interests of investors, developers, and business operators.

The Calendar Dictates Our Focus

Raghee Horner Futures

Watchlists, Setups, Volatility. The calendar holds the answers. In this video, I explain which events are putting certain markets in play this week as well as what I am expecting in energies and indices next.

Swinging Or Witching?

We have several setups to discuss tonight on the back of the rebound in tech. The path of least resistance continues to be higher, but could we consolidate before making the advance? Let’s look at both sides, and a few ways to configure your spreads to allow for the upside move.

Energies Deliver, and I’m Not Going to Short the Indices Yet

Raghee Horner Futures

Staying long crude, heating oil, Dow, and S&P with the longer-term time frames is still what I am focused on. I am watching XLF closely because financials have yanked the ES around this week, but I think the uptrend in XLF is gaining traction and that makes me more bullish YM and ES than the … Read more

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