Fireline Continuation

Henry Gambell Fibonacci daily

In Monday’s review we spent some time covering Firelines and their importance to patterns that unfold in the market. A couple of these names have performed especially well, and are worth having another look at.

Finding Balance In The Rebalance

Raghee Simpler Futures

The runaway story this week is not earnings or the CPI, but the NASDAQ rebalance. Here’s how I am handling this unusual situation.

Trading META Into Earnings

Meta has a confluence of bullish price patterns, including multiple breakaway gaps, a gap fill, and multi-timeframe squeezes. These are all reasons to look for higher prices in META going into, and past, earnings this quarter.

Line In The Sand

Neil Yeager Futures

Since June 16 it appears the line in the sand has been and still is 4451 ES. It appears the same is still true today. Let’s talk through what to do with that both higher, lower, & when in tonight’s market update.

Playing With Fire

Henry Gambell Fibonacci daily

Firelines are the most important levels in the Voodoo Line study set. Tonight we’re looking at three names that may be respecting these areas, implying higher prices in the medium to long term.

Walking The Tightrope

Sam Shames Options Daily

Ugly close in the indexes to end the week. Higher rates putting pressure on tech and a pattern to know for Monday, let’s review.

Buy The Dip

Raghee Simpler Futures

Non-Farm Payroll has adjusted expectations for post-July rate hikes once again and if we stick with relative outperformers, buy the dip is a solid plan.

The AAPL Doesn’t Fall Far At All

AAPL has barely pulled back from last week’s all time high–just a small, choppy retreat to feel for support at the 190.57 Voodoo skyline. Here’s how I’ll watch these Voodoo Lines to assess the paths AAPL could follow next.

That's as far as you can go!