NFLX & Chill

2023-04-20 / Kody Ashmore

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Let’s break down how I am stalking a potential buying setup in NFLX.

Kody Ashmore

One would consider Kody a “Jack of all trades.” While in high school, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as a rifleman. While in the USMC he did two tours to Iraq, went through a wide variety of courses and obtained several awards and medals. After leaving the USMC Kody went to school to become a Paramedic. After becoming a Paramedic he worked as a field medic, paramedic instructor & even flight medic. Kody then decided to combine both professions and started working for the United States Government in various “High Threat” locations as a tactical medic. Kody’s main goal in trading is to be able to produce a weekly income for a source of living. Kody seeks to actively pay himself weekly while managing risk.

That's as far as you can go!