Day Trading SPX into the Close

2022-08-01 / Allison Ostrander

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In this video I discuss an SPX into close lotto trade idea and how Day Trading them can lead to a better win rate. I also walk through keeping risk low to ideally help stay profitable overall when doing cash settlement.

If you want more info on this strategy please feel free to join me Wednesday for a free webinar.

Allison Ostrander

Allison graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Theatre. Wanting to make sure she wasn’t going to be a starving artist while pursuing theatre, Allison took up trading options after seeing her father successfully do the same. What started as an experiment with a paper trading account quickly grew into a passion. She decided to pursue trading full-time while investing in personal coaching classes. As a result, Allison was so successful that she made back her investment in her first trade! After that, there was no looking back.

That's as far as you can go!