Simpler Daily Videos

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Neil Yeager Futures

Wild Week On Tap

With Neil Yeager

Banking drama, CPI, PPI, ECB, Triple Witching Expiration & possibly more. One thing for sure,...
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Henry Gambell Fibonacci daily

When Bullish Squeezes Aren’t

With Henry Gambell

There’s a scan I’m particularly fond of (especially in bull markets) but it’s giving some...
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Sam Shames Options Daily

Game Over

With Sam Shames

Black swan risk was realized this week, let's review the $SPX and stock markets in...
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Slicing through Symmetry

With David Starr

The S&P 500 has broken symmetry to its December decline which is a warning of...
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Raghee Simpler Futures

Gameplan For Monday

With Raghee Horner

Shortening the timeframes and time horizons - but not necessarily daytrading - will be an...
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Taylor Horton Options daily

Your Stock Pick Doesn't Matter

With Taylor Horton

As the saying goes "as goes the market, goes the stocks". As the market indices...
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Jack Roberts Futures Daily

The Significance Of /ES at 3,950

With Jack Roberts

In today's video I discuss today's intra-day move and the significance of /ES at 3,950...
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Henry Gambell Fibonacci daily

Time Spreads In AAPL

With Henry Gambell

I'm not entirely sure if I want this spread just yet, maybe Thursday afternoon or...
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Bruce Marshall Options Daily Video

Which Way To Go?

With Bruce Marshall

In this video, we discuss the events of the week so far and what is...
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Neil Yeager Futures

Rollover Gap: The How And Why?

With Neil Yeager

Largely very little update to our existing trade plan but I did want to answer...
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That's as far as you can go!