Simpler Daily Videos

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Eyeing Resistance

With Danielle Shay

The Russell and the transports may have looked strong today with their nice up moves;...
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Raghee Horner Futures Daily Video

Bond Pullback Setups.

With Raghee Horner

It's the setup we've been waiting for, and here's what else I am watching for...
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Eyeing the Weakest Link

With Danielle Shay

The Russell has been the weakest link out of the indexes, unable to breach the...
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Raghee Horner Futures Daily Video

Is this really a shift?

With Raghee Horner

The market rallied this week on hopes of new talks with China, a less-worse-than-expected NFP......
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John Carter Options Daily Videos

IWM vs. QQQ?

With John Carter

When measuring the market moves, make sure you take this into account....
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Raghee Horner Futures Daily Video

Currency Trends to Watch Now.

With Raghee Horner

There are moves that are happening in the currency markets now that show central banks...
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Raghee Horner Futures Daily Video

Energy Market Trends

With Raghee Horner

Natural gas, Crude oil, and RBOB gasoline continue to setup trend trades in this weak...
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Allison Options daily video

Rising Bias on PHM

With Allison Ostrander

Today I am taking a longer term rising bias view on PHM. This is seeing...
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Raghee Horner Futures Daily Video

Index Levels in Play.

With Raghee Horner

Overbought levels in the NASDAQ and S&P while downtrends dominate the Russell and IYT....
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John Carter Options Daily Videos

How Can You Tell If The Institutions Are Selling "Behind Your Back?"

With John Carter

For those that are unaware, they often find themselves on the wrong side of the...
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