New Highs?

2023-06-07 / Bruce Marshall

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In this video, we analyze the general upswing in the market accompanied by a decrease in the VIX. The market appears to be in a positive state, experiencing a reasonably widespread rally as we approach the previous year’s peak around the 4300 level. The VIX indicates a further upward movement, but considering our current position, we are already stretched. So, what lies ahead for us? Will the events of the upcoming week serve as the catalyst to determine our next direction?

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Bruce Marshall

Bruce began his career working for a Wall Street firm on a bond desk after the Crash of ’87. He spent several years trading bonds until he switched to the equity side which developed his love of trading equities and options early on. He traded IPO’s, secondaries, and preferred’s. In the early days, he actually had to hand write “tickets” to buy and sell securities.

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