This Makes Trading SPX ODTE Options Way Easier

2023-03-28 / John Carter

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Welcome to the free video, where we discuss what the SPX is going to do next. In this two-day chart, we can see there’s been a squeeze that’s trying to turn higher. This is the 200 SMA on the two-day chart. We can see that we’ve got kind of this weird reverse Head and Shoulders action happening here.

What is the SPX?
The SPX is the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices, and many consider it to be one of the best representations of the U.S. stock market.

What is the SPX Doing Now?
When we drill down and look at the weekly and daily charts, we can see that the market is tightly coiling. Despite all the bad news we’ve had with banks and other financial institutions, the market hasn’t rolled over and died. This is telling us something: the market is very short. When everyone is shorting, the market rallies, and when everyone gets long, the market falls.

We can see that everybody has been shorting, and the market is starting to roll back over. What would make sense in this situation is when we rolled over here, the market popped and then when the 10-day moving average gets down here, then we just kind of come back down again. So, just kind of a big nasty scary range.

How to Trade This
Part of this is just finding some decent levels to trade off. We can look at the Voodoo lines, which are six almost 60 points apart and almost 40 points apart. It’s great when we slam down into one of these levels that’s tradable and we slam up into one of these levels that’s tradable. But what happens when you spend a lot of time in between the levels?

This is where we can look at the micro Voodoo lines. We can see we kind of came up here to this little micro Skyline and just really watching to see this low of the day here 39.93 if we could take that out and flush down that would be ideal. Then, we can look for a quick hits long.

We can also look at the call Credit spread. The nice thing about the spreads is that we don’t have to do a whole lot with them. We can just be patient with this and let it expire, although we don’t want to get cocky.

Live Trading
We can take a look at a live trading clip of about a minute and a half or two. We can see that when we get a flush like this, the premium explodes and we want to get that while we can. We can utilize this to take some profits. We can also look at the micro Voodoos here and see if we can get a little bit of a break in the action.

We can also look at the call Credit spread. The nice thing about the spreads is that we don’t have to do a whole lot with them. We can just be patient with this and let it expire, although we don’t want to get cocky.

Upcoming Webinar
On Wednesday, March 29th at 7 PM Central Time, myself, David Starr, and Henry Gamble are all going to get together and talk about these micro Voodoo lines. We are all using them a little bit differently, but a combination of SPX spreads, SPX directional, SPY same, and also SP Futures as well as a couple of other things.

If you want to watch us trade in real time using our own money, go to and learn how to sign up.

Options trading can be a tricky business, but with the right tools and strategies, it can be made much easier. The micro Voodoo lines are a great way to trade the SPX ODTE options, and with the upcoming webinar, you can learn how to use them to your advantage. So, be sure to register and join us on Wednesday, March 29th at 7 PM Central Time. Good trading!

John Carter

John Carter’s father was a Morgan Stanley stock broker. One day during high school, John came home from the mall where he was working at a store making cookies. He had saved up $1,000 over the course of a few months and his dad told him that he and some of his friends were going to buy “some call options on Intel” the next day. With his father’s direction, he bought 10 call options at $0.75, and sold them a few days later for $1.50, doubling his money. He was hooked and has been trading ever since—going on 25+ years now.

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