FED Day fun… again

2022-11-02 / Bruce Marshall

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In this video, we look at today’s big rip higher after the FED raises rates again another .75% and then the immediate roll over of the market. We dropped about 150 points on the ES from the top to the bottom. We have seen this price action before on FED days and it was because Powell says they are going to keep raising rates. We talk about the next big events coming up and what to watch for. Be on your toes for Friday’s NFP numbers and next week’s biggie, the CPI numbers. Lastly, we talk about how I have been trading this market and how I can help you.

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Bruce Marshall

Bruce began his career working for a Wall Street firm on a bond desk after the Crash of ’87. He spent several years trading bonds until he switched to the equity side which developed his love of trading equities and options early on. He traded IPO’s, secondaries, and preferred’s. In the early days, he actually had to hand write “tickets” to buy and sell securities.

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