Kick-Start Trading Day With ‘Charts & Coffee’


Simpler Trading Team

2 min read

Can you relate to wanting a “little kick” when it comes to the need for morning caffeine and trading statistics?

For some traders this daily combination is almost as essential as breathing.

As traders we understand the craving for an invigorating boost and that’s why we’re providing a jolt for both.

The goal of this daily pick-me-up is to jump into the trading day with some simple tips and tricks to take on the current market. The live session is free, and you can access the video from your mobile device, too.

Raghee dives right into a pre-market discussion of what she expects for the day in stocks, ETFs, futures, and currencies. She’ll take questions and present her ideas and strategies. This is a real-time way to get an early view of the market from a 30-year veteran trader.

Raghee delivers a unique perspective of how all the “connective threads” weave together when reviewing multiple asset classes across the markets. Her followers regularly credit her with “demystifying” the markets.

We Saw: Pandemic stimulus money, protections fall off… along with market –

  • Week of Big Tech earnings report no stimulus to market
  • Prelude to fall: summer correction in August?
  • Pullback Friday as all major indexes down

We’re Watching: If buyers show up in the market on Monday –

  • Traders on wrong side of action losing their a** on a Friday
  • For overall market, Big Tech to gain strength, direction
  • Setups in: cash and a weekend break

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