AMZN Into Earnings

2021-01-26 / Allison Ostrander

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In tonight’s video I walk through AMZN on the charts and discuss a short term trade idea for this week, as well as one for next week to trade into the earnings announcement. Both strategies I discuss are forgiving of price movement and still allow for some excellent profit.

Also, here is the link in case you are interested in the free webinar I mentioned in the video:

Allison Ostrander

Allison graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Theatre. Wanting to make sure she wasn’t going to be a starving artist while pursuing theatre, Allison took up trading options after seeing her father successfully do the same. What started as an experiment with a paper trading account quickly grew into a passion. She decided to pursue trading full-time while investing in personal coaching classes. As a result, Allison was so successful that she made back her investment in her first trade! After that, there was no looking back.

That's as far as you can go!