Wild Swings, Waiting For The Dust To Settle

2020-09-24 / Jack Roberts

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Wild swings once again in the markets seems to me like funds are unloading large positions, and at the same time buying more somewhere else, whether that’s in a different sector or equities. Either way, the volatility is here to stay. In this video, I share my thoughts about being short the indexes and being long momentum stocks. Right now is a great time to watch positions, specifically if you’re newer to trading. I think eventually we start making higher highs, once the dust settles.

Jack Roberts

Hailing from the small town of West, Texas, Jack brings a light-hearted composure to Simpler Trading. A composure only maintained through almost two decades of trading and a solid grasp on trader psychology. Jack has a special relatability factor in the room — a characteristic that’s made many members feel right at home with his easy going mentality and thirst for knowledge. He tackles complex ideas in a way which allows for traders of all experience levels to understand, while taking a more humorous and entertaining approach of explanation. He’ll be the first to tell you that you never stop learning as a trader – that’s the only way to get better! After all, that’s what started his path to becoming a full-time trader.

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